As the governments of the nations across the globe continue to put measures to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, organizations, companies, businesses, and firms are not spared from the adverse impacts of this disease. Now managers are managing remote teams, of which some members are completely new to the organization.

We are truly living in unpredictable times, where things may get worse for some companies and individuals. Better management is to be put in place, especially now that 40-60 million people are being pushed to be living in extreme poverty due to the Covid-19 pandemic. World Bank also projects that the global economy and industries will undergo a relapse before this pandemic is completely over.

So how do you keep your team united and focused on making your organization more profitable and thriving? In a season like this, managers are tasked with defining the team values to the new team members to enable them to understand and adhere to the organizational culture.

Although it is difficult to manage remote teams, you have to articulate common values and shared mission for your team else the pandemic might impact your firm negatively. When we talk of team values, we refer to the beliefs, principles, and the DNA that drive your team. This combination makes you unique and contribute to keeping you ahead of the competition. These values are even more powerful if they are co-created by the entire team itself.

Why Define Team Values to the New Remote Team Members?

  • It enables them to make sound decisions.

When an organization has a clear corporate culture, every member of your team knows what you stand for. It becomes easier for the new team members to know exactly what is expected of them and how to navigate in uncertainty if they are aware of the team values and if they adhere to them. As a business team leader, you aim to have a team that will contribute to the overall vision and goals of the firm. Shared values will give moral direction to the new members even during difficult and uncertain times.

  • It eliminates confusion

Defining your team values improves communication in the company that avoids ambiguity and confusion. Let your new team members understand what you stand for and why you want things to be done in a certain way. Employees are clearer about what is right and wrong.

  • Improves the motivation of the members

A high-performance team does not just happen; it begins from boosting your team members’ engagement and making them strongly believe in the team values. They shape your company culture. Team values usually point to the company goals, which can motivate and engage the new members to work hard to accomplish their individual and organizational goals.

  • Retention of new talents

Some team members are excellently talented, and if they are retained in your team, the organization will escalate higher. The new team members have their own culture and what they believe in. The essence of defining your team values is to articulate and align on shared values that will serve the accomplishment of the organizational goals. When you are intentional on this, values will be more visible throughout the organization and in the way employees conduct their tasks. What gets observed, gets repeated.

  • An overall good reputation of your company

It is your team members that define the image of your organization. If you have members that don’t understand your company values, this might negatively impact your organization’s reputation.When team members fully adhere to the company values, they feel “proud to belong” and customers feel it.

The importance of defining your team values to the new members, especially in this pandemic context, cannot be overemphasized. We strongly recommend you to be intentional about articulating them clearly for all to understand and adhere to.

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